Friday, June 3, 2011

California Pizza Kitchen

 Tuesday May 31,2011
We went on our field trip to The California Pizza Kitchen down in Salt Lake.  It was by far the BEST field trip all year!!  The employees were so nice and showed the kids all around, and we didn't have to worry about other customers since we went in before they opened!!  It was a blast and of course yummy!!!  They took us on a tour, and then we all (even the mom's) made pizza and then they let the kids go back to the drink area and pick out their drink.  It was fun!!  Afterwards, the kids wanted to play on the escalators a little and then some of the moms wanted to do a little shopping!!  So glad we didn't miss this field trip!!  Good call Lissa!!!

 We had a couple other little friends join us for this field trip

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