Monday, March 7, 2011

Our Little Pilgrims

On Thursday November 18th, we celebrated Thanksgiving with our little Preschool Group!!  Everyone had a great time and we had some great food too!!  We played games, wore pilgrim hats, ate little sandwiches cut out into the shape of a turkey and also this little guy with yummy cheese cubes, grapes and of course enough Rice Krispie Treats for everyone!!! 
Playing Toss the Turkey with Heather
The kids loved playing the games-Thank YOu Heather!!!
Feast Time!!  Showing off their Turkey Place mats they made from their hand and foot prints
Yummy Food
Sawyer had the coolest hat-Way to go on the Hat-making Melissa!!
Dance Time
Our Little Pilgrims!!! 
Sawyer, Jaylee, Brecklyn, Adley, and Ava

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