Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Great Harvest Bread Company

On Thursday the 3rd of March, we took a field trip to The Great Harvest Bread Company in Layton. 
 They let each of the kids make a little loaf of bread and then we read the book about the Little Red Hen before going to the back where they make the bread and grind the wheat.  Sawyer was sick so he was with us, but Adley and Brecklyn's cousin's Sam and Eli were.  It was a cute little field trip with of course Yummy Bread!!!

F is for February

In January, we went to the Library but we have no pictures from that field trip and our other one for January was canceled due to sick kids and a vacation for one family.  

February, however has been a fun one!!  On the 3rd, we went on a field trip to the local grocery store.  They took us all around the store and through the back stock room.  It was cold in the freezer and refrigerator and Sawyer got a little ride on the hand mover thing(so cannot remember the real name for this thing right now).  Then on the 15th, we had a little Valentine's party!!  We had all brought Valentine's for each of our friends and we made some little heart envelopes to put them in.(Thank you Melissa)  It was cute to see the kids give their friends valentine's. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Important things of Christmas

Adley, Brecklyn and Jaylee
Playing at the Mall Play land for a little bit
On Thursday the 9th of December, we went to the mall to see Santa.  However, Ava was in Disneyland and poor Sawyer was sick so only Adley, Brecklyn and Jaylee went.  Jaylee was the only one that sat on Santa's lap, and then it was time to PLAY!!!  We let the girls play for a little bit while Melissa took care of a return she needed to do.  
Then on Thursday the 16th, we had our Christmas Party.  We had decided that we wanted to do something different then the normal party thing, so we took the kids to see the movie Tangled.  So cute!!  We had a good time!!  Great Christmas Party!!!

Our Little Pilgrims

On Thursday November 18th, we celebrated Thanksgiving with our little Preschool Group!!  Everyone had a great time and we had some great food too!!  We played games, wore pilgrim hats, ate little sandwiches cut out into the shape of a turkey and also this little guy with yummy cheese cubes, grapes and of course enough Rice Krispie Treats for everyone!!! 
Playing Toss the Turkey with Heather
The kids loved playing the games-Thank YOu Heather!!!
Feast Time!!  Showing off their Turkey Place mats they made from their hand and foot prints
Yummy Food
Sawyer had the coolest hat-Way to go on the Hat-making Melissa!!
Dance Time
Our Little Pilgrims!!! 
Sawyer, Jaylee, Brecklyn, Adley, and Ava

Fire Station

On Thursday the 4th of November (2010) we took a little field trip to the Kaysville City Fire Station.  They showed us a little video and then talked about Fire Safety, and then we got to take a tour of the Fire Station.  We looked at all of the Fire Trucks, walked through where they keep their boots and clothes, then we got to walk through their bedrooms and through the Captains office.  They gave us a chance to sit on the front of the Fire Engine and take pictures and then they gave us a sticker!!  Afterwards we went and played at a park for a little while!!
Kaysville Fire Station  

Ava, Jaylee, Brecklyn and Adley waiting outside to start their tour
Checking out the Big Red Trucks
Ava and Jaylee with our tour guide Firewomen
Inside the Fire Engine
Ava getting help out
Adley getting help out
Jaylee and her I don't need help attitude getting out of the Fire Truck
Sawyer loved being around the Fire Trucks
Brecklyn getting help out of the Fire Truck

Playing in the Ambulance
Brecklyn, Ava, and Adley looking through the window
Sitting on the bench looking at all of their equipment
Time to check out their bedrooms and offices
Our Little Monsters-Brecklyn, Adley, Sawyer, Ava and Jaylee
Sticker time
The Girls playing in the sand at the park