Tuesday, October 19, 2010

D is for Dentist...

On Tuesday the 21st of September we went to the Dentist for D week!!  They showed a little movie to the kids about Captain Cavity and then brought the kids back to where all the chairs are.  They let them push the buttons to make the water spray and the air sucker thing and then the up and down button on the chair.  They did that for awhile and then gave them a little take home bag full of fun stuff!!  Afterwards since we were right there, we went to Yogotogo for some yummy frozen yogurt after we stopped at this little shop next door.  Then we headed over to the park for a little playtime!!
Ava, Adley, Jaylee and Brecklyn

Poor Sawyer, I wouldn't want to be with all those girls either!!!

Jaylee playing with the buttons on the chair
Brecklyn in the Chair
Princess Ava in the Chair
Adley in the chair

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